Tuesday, November 5, 2013
October part 1: Monterey
Dużo się działo w październiku, rozpoczynając od wycieczki do oceanarium w Monterey kończąc na Halloween, które było moim pierwszym Halloween z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Okazało się, że chociaż Andrew nie jest jego fanem, ja uwielbiam ocean: jeżeli tylko mam okazję staram się przynajmniej zamoczyć w nim nogi (na pływanie niestety jest już za zimno). A właśnie! Nie myślcie sobie, że w Kalifornii jest zawsze ciepło: noce zaczynają być coraz chłodniejsze, a podczas dnia konieczne jest noszenie bluz i długich spodni (!). Dziwne, bo w moim przekonaniu Zachodnie Wybrzeże to krótkie spodenki/ sukienki 365 dni w roku.
W pierwszą sobotę października pojechaliśmy z tatą Andrew i jego żoną na jednodniową wycieczkę do Monterey, czyli turystycznej miejscowości nad Oceanem, która najbardziej znana jest z wielkiego oceanarium. To było moje drugie oceanarium w życiu, bo w 2010 udało mi się odwiedzić największy taki obiekt w Europie, czyli Turkuazoo w Stambule. Ale Ameryka nie zawiodła i pokazała mi masę ryb/ ssaków wodnych/ meduz o których nie miałam pojęcia! Świetne ekspozycje, wielkie akwaria i szczęśliwie dla nas- idealna pogoda!
A lot happened in October, starting with Monterey and finishing with Halloween (my first 'real' one). It turned out that althought Andrew doesn't like the ocean, I'm the biggest fan of it- if I have a chance I will go into the ocean just up to my ankles (it's too cold to swim in it). Speaking of coldness... California is not that hot anymore! There is no chance to wear dresses or shorts. I had thought the West Coast is hot 365 days in a year.
On the first Saturday of October Andrew and I went on a one day trip to Montery together with Andrew's dad and his wife. Our main goal was to see the famous Aquarium, which I was comparing all the time to the only one I've seen before: the biggest Aquarium in Europe: Turkazoo in Istanbul. Yet again, America did not disappoint me. I was introduced to lots of fish, sea mammals and jelly fish. The exhibitions were amazing, the tanks huge and luckily for us- the weather was perfect!
Tego samego dnia, w drodze powrotnej pojechaliśmy na 17 Mile Drive, czyli na przejażdżkę wzdłuż wybrzeża z pięknymi widokami (17 mil= ok 27 km).
On our way back we drove the 17 Mile Drive and stopped at almost every view point to take pictures and admire the landscapes.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Miasto Słonego Jeziora
Kurcze, powinnam pisać po polsku. Dlaczego? Bo przecież moi najwięksi fani nie mówią po angielsku. Mamo, tato, to dla Was, żebyście byli na bieżąco z moimi podróżami, bo czasem łapanie się na Skypie zawodzi.
22. sierpnia wyjechaliśmy na 10 godzinną 'road trip' czyli popularny sposób podróżowania w Stanach. My, samochód, dużo jedzenia i płynów i droga. Czasem byliśmy otoczeni lasami, czasem górami, a czasem niczym. Zupełną pustynią. Przeżyliśmy burzę solną (nie wiedziałam, że takie istnieją), burzę klasyczną, godziny rozmów i konkursy śpiewów (Andrew vs. Weronika).
Głównym celem podróży było zwiedzanie Salt Lake City (Igrzyska Olimpijskie 2002), poznanie najmłodszego brata Andrew i jego żony i nieustanne otaczanie się lasami, jeziorami i górami. Wszystkie cele zostały osiągnięte, bawiliśmy się bardzo dobrze, spędzaliśmy ponad 10h dziennie na świeżym powietrzu i zobaczyliśmy inny stan. Zapomniałam wspomnieć, że Salt Lake City to już nie Kalifornia, a Utah :)
I figured I should start writing in Polish for my biggest fans that unfortunately don't speak English- my parents. So here I am again, writing a post on one of our last trips to Salt Lake City, Utah. Our main goal was for me to get to know Andrew's brother and his wife a little better and see something new. We accomplished all the goals and had a lot of fun! Kirsten and Cory's life looks super interesting, they try to get to know their area of living and places around (they've even skydived!) They were the best hosts and I'm glad I've met them; hopefully we'll see each other again on Thanksgiving! Trenujemy pozy do sesji ślubnej ;) Poszliśmy też na kręgle, bo nigdy nie byłam. Kręgielnia była w budynku uniwersytetu, dla studentów! Jeden z fajniejszych dni do tej pory. Zjeżdżaliśmy jak na zjeżdżalni z wodospadu za nami! Woda była LO-DO-WA-TA. A na koniec zjechaliśmy na sankach w lato :)
I figured I should start writing in Polish for my biggest fans that unfortunately don't speak English- my parents. So here I am again, writing a post on one of our last trips to Salt Lake City, Utah. Our main goal was for me to get to know Andrew's brother and his wife a little better and see something new. We accomplished all the goals and had a lot of fun! Kirsten and Cory's life looks super interesting, they try to get to know their area of living and places around (they've even skydived!) They were the best hosts and I'm glad I've met them; hopefully we'll see each other again on Thanksgiving! Trenujemy pozy do sesji ślubnej ;) Poszliśmy też na kręgle, bo nigdy nie byłam. Kręgielnia była w budynku uniwersytetu, dla studentów! Jeden z fajniejszych dni do tej pory. Zjeżdżaliśmy jak na zjeżdżalni z wodospadu za nami! Woda była LO-DO-WA-TA. A na koniec zjechaliśmy na sankach w lato :)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Everywhere you look there's a heart, a hand to hold on to
Przebrała się miarka! Jestem tu już od ponad 2 miesiący, zrobiłam 500 zdjęć, odwiedziłam tonę nowych miejsc, przeżyłam masę swoich 'pierwszych' i czekałam zbyt długo żeby o tym napisać. Kiedyś uwielbiałam pisać (szczególnie po angielsku). Pisywanie pamiętników pomaga, szczególnie, gdy przez głowę przewija ci się 1000 myśli, a pamięci starcza ci na spisanie tylko połowy. To nie ma sensu, ale gdy jestem zajęta i nie mam czasu, każdą wolną sekundę spędzam na pisaniu, a jak mam masę czasu (i 'materiału') obijam się i zapominam o pisaniu. Prokrastynacja może być moim 'Ciemnym Pasażerem' (jak zabijanie dla Dextera), z którym się urodziłam i za nic nie mogę się pozbyć. Ostatnio myślimy razem z Andrew, że trzeba mi znaleźć hobby, coś czymś się będę pasjonować i co sprawi mi frajdę, więc pomyślałam, że kiedyś to było pisanie, więc mogę spróbować jeszcze raz (przestałam czerpać z tego radochę, kiedy zmuszono mnie do napisana pracy licencjackiej). Więc próbuję jeszcze raz i mam nadzieję, że nie skończy się na tym poście.
A w tle więzienie Alcatraz. There is Alcatraz behind us!
Kiedy miałam ok 10 lat, razem z bratem oglądałam 'Pełną Chatę'; ciężko było coś usłyszeć, bo głośność była na najniższym poziomie, ponieważ mama spała w tym samym pokoju, po nocnej zmianie w pracy. Ten serial jako pierwszy pokazał mi San Francisco i po głowie zawsze chodził mi tej fajny, czerwony most z intro. 10 później, przejeżdżając przez owy most i nucąc piosenkę z serialu, nie zmieniłam zdania- na żywo ten most wyglą jeszcze lepiej! To jedna z tych rzeczy, które widzisz w telewizji albo słyszysz od znajomych, którzy poróżują dookoła świata i myślisz "Fajnie masz..." w środku, ale "Zazdroszczę, szkoda, że ja nie mam takiej możliwości" w środku, i jestem przekonany na 99%, że miejsca się nie odwrócą. A tu proszę! Szczerze, San Francisco to jedno z moich ulubionych miast :)
That’s it. I’ve been here for over 2 months, have taken almost 500 photos, been to many new places, done tons of ‘firsts’ and waited too long to write about all of it here. I used to love to write, I would write a daily diary, think 1000 thoughts per second and write half of them down. It doesn’t make any sense but when I don’t have time I spend every free minute on writing, but when I have a whale of time, I do nothing. Procrastination might be my ‘Dark Passanger’ that I was born with and can’t get rid of. And since the hot topic of our last weeks has been finding something that I feel passionate about, I figure… hey, I used to love to write (but then I was FORCED to write 40 pages in fancy English and felt sick of my keyboard). So here I am, writing and hoping I won’t get bored with it after this post.
That’s it. I’ve been here for over 2 months, have taken almost 500 photos, been to many new places, done tons of ‘firsts’ and waited too long to write about all of it here. I used to love to write, I would write a daily diary, think 1000 thoughts per second and write half of them down. It doesn’t make any sense but when I don’t have time I spend every free minute on writing, but when I have a whale of time, I do nothing. Procrastination might be my ‘Dark Passanger’ that I was born with and can’t get rid of. And since the hot topic of our last weeks has been finding something that I feel passionate about, I figure… hey, I used to love to write (but then I was FORCED to write 40 pages in fancy English and felt sick of my keyboard). So here I am, writing and hoping I won’t get bored with it after this post.
When I was
around 10 I would watch ‘Full House’ with my brother; the volume had to be
super low because my mom was sleeping in the same room because she had worked
the night before. This was the first time I’d heard of San Francisco and
thought ‘That is one cool red bridge’. 10 years later, crossing the bridge
live, humming the ‘Full House’ theme song, my mind hasn’t changed. It’s one of
those things that you see on TV or hear about from your friends who travel
around the world and you are like ‘Cool story’ outside but ‘I wish it was me’
inside and you are 99% sure the tables won’t ever turn. I can honestly say that
San Francisco is my favorite city.
Jak dotąd byliśmy w San Francisco dwa razy: w lipcu z rodziną Andrew i we wrześniu z jego przyjacielem. Za pierwszym razem zwiedziliśmy miasto po turystycznemu: Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 (znane z miejsca odpoczynku dla lwów morskich, podobno ZAWSZE tam przesiadują, oczywiście nie wtedy, gdy Weronika przyjeżdża do miasta), dużo chodziliśmy, jedliśmy, przejechaliśmy przez najbardziej krętą ulicę i Golden Gate Bridge. Nie jestem dobra w okazywaniu uczuć ani emocji, ale to był jeden z moich ulubionych dni w Stanach a w środku czułam się jak dziecko w Disneylandzie.
So far, I've been to San Francisco twice: in July with Andrew's family and in September with his best friend. The first time we managed we to see all the touristy sights, like Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 (and NO sea lions), we walked around the city, ate good food, drove through Lombard Street and the Cool Red Bridge (yes, that's the other official name for it). I'm not really good at showing emotions but it was one of my favorite days in the States; inside, I was excited like a little kid in Disneyland.
So far, I've been to San Francisco twice: in July with Andrew's family and in September with his best friend. The first time we managed we to see all the touristy sights, like Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 (and NO sea lions), we walked around the city, ate good food, drove through Lombard Street and the Cool Red Bridge (yes, that's the other official name for it). I'm not really good at showing emotions but it was one of my favorite days in the States; inside, I was excited like a little kid in Disneyland.
A w tle więzienie Alcatraz. There is Alcatraz behind us!
Wcześniej wspomniana kręta ulica. The Lombard Street.
Za drugim razem pojechaliśmy do San Francisco z przyjacielem Andrew, którego zna od dziecka, a ja poznałam właśnie tego dnia. Przyjemne doświadczenie, szczególnie, że nie sądzę, że kiedykolwiek spotkałam kogoś, kto zadawałby mi tyle pytań. Naszym głównym celem był mecz baseballu, na którym się nie znam, ale okazało się, że powoli zaczynam wszystko rozumieć, więc się nie nudziłam. Przed meczem mieliśmy kilka godzin więc poszliśmy do Parku Golden Gate i Japońskiego Ogrodu Herbacianego i pochodziliśmy po mieście.
The second time we drove to San Francisco with Andrew's best friend Joe whom I met on that day for the first time. Definitely a nice experience, I don't think I had ever met a person who would ask me more questions. Our main goal was going to a baseball game; surprisingly it was fun even for a baseball ignorant like me. We also went to Golden Gate Park, Japanese Tea Garden and walked around the city.
Szczęśliwa i przerażona przed meczem. Being excited and scared at the same time!
To właśnie tu nagrywali intro do Pełnej Chaty! The Alamo Square and Painted Ladies :)
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tym postem łamię zasady naszego związku: miałam czekać aż Andrew napisze nowego posta, ale że brakuje mi pisania i ostatnio przeglądałam zdjęcia z Pragi, zdecydowałam się na nowy post. Wybacz Andrew, ale nie mogę dłużej na Ciebie czekać (ale nadal Cię kocham :)).
I'm kind of breaking the rules of our relationship right now. I was supposed to wait for him to write another post but I'm weak... I was going through the photos from our trip to Prague in January and decided to make a post about it. Also, I just miss writing and conserving memories. So, I'm sorry Andrew but I was sick of waiting for your writing mood/inspiration (I still love you though).
Andrew przyjechał w odwiedziny na 3 tygodnie w styczniu, wyjeżdżając dzień przed Walentynkami. Podczas jego pobytu musiałam pozdawać kilka egzaminów, pozałatwiać szkolne sprawy i cały czas dawać korepetycje, więc czasem było trudno nam spędzać każdą minutę razem. Już w listopadzie zaplanowaliśmy wycieczkę do Czech; ja nigdy tam nie byłam, a Praga była na Andrew liście rzeczy do zobaczenia przed śmiercią, a że to wcale nie tak daleko, musieliśmy pojechać.
Praga jest piękna! Chociaż pojechaliśmy w zimę i nie byliśmy zobaczyć całego piękna tego miasta, obydwoje się w nim zakochaliśmy dość szybko. Codziennie obiecywaliśmy sobie, że następnego dnia zrobimy więcej zdjęć, ale i tak myślę, że nie zrobiliśmy wiele...
So basically, Andrew came to visit me in Poland for 3 weeks in January, leaving me all alone one day before Valentine's day. While he was here, I still had some exams to pass, school errands to run and students to take care of so we didn't spend much time together. Around November we planned a trip to Czech Republic; I'd never been there and Prague was on Andrew's bucket list, and since it's not that far away from Poland, we had to go.
Prague is beautiful. Although, we went there in the winter and we didn't see all of its beauty, we both fell in love with it quickly. Everyday we promised each other, we will take more photos and still I feel like we could have taken more; we definitely need to take more photos (that are not selfies) together, but well... I'm usually too shy to ask strangers for it.
This is what we got:
Zegar astronomiczny / The astronomical clock- a must see in Prague.
Most Korola / Another must see- Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Czech is similar to Polish, for example the bridge in Polish is called Most Karola.
Brama, którą wypatrzył Andrew w centrum miasta. / A cool gate spotted by Andrew in the city center.
Contrary to some opinions, we are NOT retarded.
Spędziliśmy 30 minut na pisaniu pocztówek, które potem nie doszły! grrr.../ 30 minutes spent on postcard-writing because "I don't know what I should write!"... We came up with a perfect note and.... the postcards never arrived!
Słodkości! / Cuteness overload!
I'm kind of breaking the rules of our relationship right now. I was supposed to wait for him to write another post but I'm weak... I was going through the photos from our trip to Prague in January and decided to make a post about it. Also, I just miss writing and conserving memories. So, I'm sorry Andrew but I was sick of waiting for your writing mood/inspiration (I still love you though).
Andrew przyjechał w odwiedziny na 3 tygodnie w styczniu, wyjeżdżając dzień przed Walentynkami. Podczas jego pobytu musiałam pozdawać kilka egzaminów, pozałatwiać szkolne sprawy i cały czas dawać korepetycje, więc czasem było trudno nam spędzać każdą minutę razem. Już w listopadzie zaplanowaliśmy wycieczkę do Czech; ja nigdy tam nie byłam, a Praga była na Andrew liście rzeczy do zobaczenia przed śmiercią, a że to wcale nie tak daleko, musieliśmy pojechać.
Praga jest piękna! Chociaż pojechaliśmy w zimę i nie byliśmy zobaczyć całego piękna tego miasta, obydwoje się w nim zakochaliśmy dość szybko. Codziennie obiecywaliśmy sobie, że następnego dnia zrobimy więcej zdjęć, ale i tak myślę, że nie zrobiliśmy wiele...
So basically, Andrew came to visit me in Poland for 3 weeks in January, leaving me all alone one day before Valentine's day. While he was here, I still had some exams to pass, school errands to run and students to take care of so we didn't spend much time together. Around November we planned a trip to Czech Republic; I'd never been there and Prague was on Andrew's bucket list, and since it's not that far away from Poland, we had to go.
Prague is beautiful. Although, we went there in the winter and we didn't see all of its beauty, we both fell in love with it quickly. Everyday we promised each other, we will take more photos and still I feel like we could have taken more; we definitely need to take more photos (that are not selfies) together, but well... I'm usually too shy to ask strangers for it.
This is what we got:
Zegar astronomiczny / The astronomical clock- a must see in Prague.
Most Korola / Another must see- Karluv Most (Charles Bridge). Czech is similar to Polish, for example the bridge in Polish is called Most Karola.
Brama, którą wypatrzył Andrew w centrum miasta. / A cool gate spotted by Andrew in the city center.
Contrary to some opinions, we are NOT retarded.
Spędziliśmy 30 minut na pisaniu pocztówek, które potem nie doszły! grrr.../ 30 minutes spent on postcard-writing because "I don't know what I should write!"... We came up with a perfect note and.... the postcards never arrived!
Słodkości! / Cuteness overload!
Friday, July 12, 2013
USA all the way
Andrew jest zawsze zajęty swoją grą video i nie ma czasu na bloga. Na szczęscie, czasem poświeca mi minutę swojego cennego czasu i spędzamy ją razem. Jestem w Kalifornii od 2 tygodni i udało mi się już jeść nowe rzeczy (burrito, ciasteczka z wróżbą, domowe hamburgery, frytki ze słodkiego ziemniaka, makaron z serem), poznać rodzinę Andrew (za każdym razem się denerwuję że powiem coś głupiego), świętować 4. lipca i spędzić masę czasu z moich uzależnionym od gier video chłopakiem. I ten ostatni punkt jest moim ulubionym, bo tęskniłam ogromnie.
Andrew has been super busy with his video games and he never has time for the blog. Fortunately, he sometimes gives me a minute of his precious time and we do stuff together. I've been here for over 2 weeks and I managed to eat at new places (thank you, America, for my first burrito, fortune cookie, root beer float, homemade hamburgers, sweet potato fries, mac and cheese), meet Andrew's family (I'm still nervous every day that I will say/do something stupid), celebrate my first 4th of July and spend a lot of time with my video-game addicted boyfriend. The last thing is my favorite, though; I don't really know how I survived the last 5 months without him, his stupid jokes and creepy smiles.
Oglądanie fajerwerków 4. lipca. / Watching fireworks on the 4th of July
Domowy makaron z serem, 'tradycyjna' potrawa hamerykańska. / Homemade macaroni and cheese :)
Andrew has been super busy with his video games and he never has time for the blog. Fortunately, he sometimes gives me a minute of his precious time and we do stuff together. I've been here for over 2 weeks and I managed to eat at new places (thank you, America, for my first burrito, fortune cookie, root beer float, homemade hamburgers, sweet potato fries, mac and cheese), meet Andrew's family (I'm still nervous every day that I will say/do something stupid), celebrate my first 4th of July and spend a lot of time with my video-game addicted boyfriend. The last thing is my favorite, though; I don't really know how I survived the last 5 months without him, his stupid jokes and creepy smiles.
Oglądanie fajerwerków 4. lipca. / Watching fireworks on the 4th of July
Domowy makaron z serem, 'tradycyjna' potrawa hamerykańska. / Homemade macaroni and cheese :)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
We have a plan
There is a plan! If everything goes according to it, we'll see each other in 10 days (!!).
I (W) am freaking out because of a) the flight which I will take by myself and have to change (and will probably get lost), b) meeting Andrew's family and overcoming my social awkwardness and weirdness (that's the biggest scare- to make them like me) and c) being away from my everyday life for 5 months for the first time.
Either way, I'm super excited and looking forward to finally being together ALL THE TIME. btw, Andrew, are you read for it? For seeing my sleepy face every morning, spending every afternoon eating/ hanging out together, falling asleep together and being together without any break! Everything together. You will probably get tired after a week. So good luck to you because I will never get tired of your face and other stuff! ;)
I (W) am freaking out because of a) the flight which I will take by myself and have to change (and will probably get lost), b) meeting Andrew's family and overcoming my social awkwardness and weirdness (that's the biggest scare- to make them like me) and c) being away from my everyday life for 5 months for the first time.
Either way, I'm super excited and looking forward to finally being together ALL THE TIME. btw, Andrew, are you read for it? For seeing my sleepy face every morning, spending every afternoon eating/ hanging out together, falling asleep together and being together without any break! Everything together. You will probably get tired after a week. So good luck to you because I will never get tired of your face and other stuff! ;)
Sunday, June 9, 2013
MAY was(not) fun
The life's good and it's about to be better. I've finished my thesis and feel relieved; it makes me even happier when Andrew's saying he's proud of me. I like making him proud. The second reason- holidays. They are getting closer every day and for me holidays=seeing Andrew after 5 months. Man, it's been so long, too long.
The last month was fun! Writing, being angry and moody every day (because of writing), going to Prague, going to Warsaw, getting my visa... American consuls are serious and no fun at all; my visa interview has been my worst experience with an American person so far. Hopefully the only one. Anyways, I got the visa, so my awesomest boyfriend and I will be reunited within a month :) I'm looking forward to July!
Watching "Why stop now" on my way to Prague (the fun part of May).
Prague was also a fun part of May; I was constantly thinking of school, though.
It presents proudly, right? After this year and the 11,164 words I wrote about "Juno", I will probably never watch it again.
One of our last pictures together taken at the Warsaw airport. Ehhh... I just have to survive one more month!
The last month was fun! Writing, being angry and moody every day (because of writing), going to Prague, going to Warsaw, getting my visa... American consuls are serious and no fun at all; my visa interview has been my worst experience with an American person so far. Hopefully the only one. Anyways, I got the visa, so my awesomest boyfriend and I will be reunited within a month :) I'm looking forward to July!
Watching "Why stop now" on my way to Prague (the fun part of May).
Prague was also a fun part of May; I was constantly thinking of school, though.
It presents proudly, right? After this year and the 11,164 words I wrote about "Juno", I will probably never watch it again.
One of our last pictures together taken at the Warsaw airport. Ehhh... I just have to survive one more month!
Friday, May 17, 2013
The world baking day
If I had to choose, I'm definitely more of a baker than a cook. That's why when I found a motivation to bake, I grabbed it and decided to bake on the Baking Day which took place today. Out from all 100 recipes from worldbakingday I chose the 22nd one which was not that easy. I'm a totally amateur baker so of course, there were some problems. Adding 2 glasses of water instead of 2 spoons isn't a good idea. Fortunately, I ruined only the frosting.
I'm also not a clean baker. It's funny how cooks take pictures of their totally clean working areas. In my case it would be impossible.I believe in the artistic value of a mess.
Oh, that's how the cake is supposed to look: chocolate fudge cake.
Happy Baking!
I'm also not a clean baker. It's funny how cooks take pictures of their totally clean working areas. In my case it would be impossible.I believe in the artistic value of a mess.
Oh, that's how the cake is supposed to look: chocolate fudge cake.
Happy Baking!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I have the awesomest boyfriend!
I’ve been a
real pain in the Andrew’s ass lately. During this semester I’m supposed to be
writing my bachelor thesis and even though it’s just 30 pages of text about an
interesting topic of audio-visual translation and Juno and slang and most
importantly- English, I’m super-hyper-lazy and keep bitching to my incredibly
patient boyfriend about my horrifying lack of motivation. He handles it and
copes with my mood swings pretty well . What’s more, he supports and motivates
me to write at least a little every day. He even came up with an idea of making
my one dream come true for writing one page. I’d forgotten about it until today
and I think I will remind him about my 7 wishes to be fulfilled.
So, our
lives update would consist of writing thesis, learning all about Old English,
working almost every day, preparing for a trip to Poland (Andrew) and to the
States (me), talking every day and
worshiping Skype. Fortunately, I’ve recently got a new Internet which is way
faster than the previous one and Andrew and I are able to video chat almost
whenever we want to, which is my favorite part of any day. And I’m sure so is
God bless Skype!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Long Distance Relationships
When I first started writing this post, I had a whole paragraph or so written about how difficult long distance relationships are, but I wasn't happy with it because it wasn't really getting to the point of what I wanted to say. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I thought long distance relationships could work, I probably would have told you, 'no', they are too difficult. While one part of that is true, they are very difficult, the other is not. They are definitely possible and there is one big difference between me now and me 5 years ago, that helped me come to this realization. That difference is Weronika. 5 years ago I didn't have a person who was worth waiting for, worth fighting for and now I know for sure they can work because I would wait forever for her.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter Part 2
So this is my first Easter in the States in over 3 years and to be honest, it never really felt like how I remember Easter feeling. My siblings and I are older now and so we don't do any of the traditional things we used to (no Easter egg hunt) and all the family isn't together. My brother lives in another state, my sister had to work and the most important person, Weronika, is in Poland. This day would feel so much more special if it was shared with her but with that being said, I did have a good time. I went to my dad's and spent it with my other brother and my step-siblings. We ate some food, played some games, and watched TV.
My brother, my dad's dog and I hanging out and watching some March Madness.
Us playing some Settler of Catan. I won, of course.
Dinner was followed up with some delicious French Silk pie and chocolate Snickers cheesecake
Just some of the family hanging out.
My brother, my dad's dog and I hanging out and watching some March Madness.
Us playing some Settler of Catan. I won, of course.
Dinner was followed up with some delicious French Silk pie and chocolate Snickers cheesecake
Just some of the family hanging out.
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